About the Farm

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In late 2020 and early 2021, I decided to start a gourmet garlic farm. I found Somers Farm and Prairie located in Northern Kenosha county. It is a farm that is open to new farmers to come onto their property and learn their trade. They are looking to teach farmers how to be sustainable and grow their produce or raise their animals naturally without chemicals and government assistance. They teach how to use cover crops to regenerate the soil. Teach you how to cultivate and plant your land.

Ever since I found Somers Farm and Prairie I have not looked back but forward. I am taking my supply chain education and experience and the experience of everyone at Somers Farm and Prairie and looking towards a new adventure.

The Farm will be planting 6 gourmet garlic in October 2021 for harvest in July 2022.

We have sold out of our garlic scapes thanks to Kettle Range Meats company.

The farm has planted Winter Acorn and Butternut squash. Depending on how long the drought lasts and if the plants can survive, squash will be for sale this fall 2021.