Persian Star

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Available on August 20, 2022,

If you take the Persian Star garlic and cut it in half it will resemble that of a beautiful Persian star found in ancient art and tapestry work. This beautiful mosaic transcends into the mild robust flavor of this garlic. The mild flavor has been savored over time by all who love a hint of garlic be it raw, cooked, or roasted

This Purple stripe-type hardneck garlic was part of the Asian silk route and part of the Persian Empire. It was discovered by John Swenson, in the town of Samarkand, Uzbekistan in 1989 and brought back to the states with about 150 other varieties.

This garlic is known for its deep rich and sweetness than the usual bold garlic flavor. Its mild roasted flavor is cherished by chefs and you can roast it by the campfire as you sit and look at the stars just like the ancient Persians. The roasted garlic can be eaten as is or put into a cream cheese dip or Hummus.

The mildly sweet flavor is perfect for those people who love garlic but do not like strong garlic. Great for giving those red or white sauces a little sweet zing.

The garlic produces 9 to 12 cloves per bulb. Approximately 60 to 70 cloves per lbs. it can last until late Winter if storage conditions are ideal, true time-tested garlic that should be available for any chef or kitchen. Allow yourself to travel back in time and taste the flavors that the ancient people of Persia enjoyed.

Group: Hardneck

Type: Purple Stripe (Allium Sativum Ophioscorodon)

Characteristics This garlic is great raw with a mild zing for dressings and salads. It is also great for pickling and Italian cuisine. When roasted or sauteed it has a sweet mild taste.

Cloves: 8 to 10 per bulb.

Storage: 5 to 6 months

Origin: Samarkand, Uzbekistan